All About US

We are a small bussiness that took place back in 2013, when a team formed of ten beautiful, energised, willing to learn, human beings started what now is know as Clothes4All. We do have a lot of things in common as : keping our customer experience as high as possible, developing high quality and so unique outifts. We believe that this is what helped us growing continusly. Firstly we have been surprised how everything we designed with so much passion it was very apperciated by our customers. Once we felt that we are capable of more, and based on our customers feedbacks, the queries were overwhelming we have decided to update our entire way of "doing things".

Apart from our work related achivements, we focusing on keeping our city Ely, as clean and healthy as possible. We are started in 2016 gathering volunteers, planting trees and flowers. our small community started with only two volunteers but now we gladly announce that our community has one hundred volunteers willing to keep our city green and beautiful! What we do to sustain the importance of green spaces is that during manufacturing clothes we have been reduce the usage of plastics and we are focusing on reducing pollution, as an evidence is that our team is traveling by bike to work. If you want to become a memeber of our communty don't hesitate to join us, just fill the Contact Us form ! We are looking forward hearing from you and your bright ideas!